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"In a Barbie World"
 14th Jan- 21st Jan 2024

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 8th Mar- 28th Mar 2023

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"You Wouldn't Steal an Art Show" 
22nd Sep- 29th Sep 2023

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"Print It"
 3rd Feb- 8th Mar 2023

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"Through The Glass" 
11th Aug- 15th Sep 2023

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 27th April 2022

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"In a Barbie World"
14th Jan- 21st Jan 2024
Fly Power Pole Hartlepool

"In a Barbie World" was featured in a group show presented alongside a pole dance exhibition hosted at 'Fly Power Pole' in Hartlepool.

Created as part of a projection series, "In a Barbie World" is a portrait of the shows host with 'Barbie Fairytopia' projected upon her- a known inspiration to her practice.

This oil on canvas piece was situated throughout the exhibition in the dance studio and remained their for some time prior to the show.

The rest of the projection series can be seen in the portfolio section.


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"In a Barbie World"
 3 X 4 ft

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"You Wouldn't Steal An Art Show"
22nd- 28th Sep 2024
Pineapple Black Arts Middlesbrough - The Word

"In the Stars" was a self-portrait created at the beginning of the projection series in which Van Gogh's Starry Night was projected. 

This piece went on to be featured in 'The Word's' exhibition "You Wouldn't Steal an Art Show", that was a part of Middlesbrough Art Week 2023.

This oil on canvas piece was alongside many talented artists in Pineapple Black Arts and was made to represent not only my own inspirations but the inspiration behind the whole series.

The rest of the projection series can be seen in the portfolio section.


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"In The Stars"
 32 X 40"

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"Through The Glass"
11th Aug- 15th Sep 2023
Pineapple Black Arts Middlesbrough

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"Through The Glass" was a solo exhibition hosted in the window space of Pineapple Black Arts Middlesbrough. Featuring four 3 X 4 ft paintings, this show looked to explore the effects that stained glass can have on a human figure.

The four portraits each feature a different composition to highlight the 

"Through The Glass"

effects that stained glass can have on individual parts of the human body.
This exhibition opened alongside Pineapple Black Arts 'Summer Show' which featured a number of talented artists.


"Reaching Out"
 3 X 4 ft

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8th Mar- 28th Mar 2023
Pineapple Black Arts Middlesbrough

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"Synergy" was a self funded and curated exhibition hosted at Pineapple Black Arts in their main exhibition space . Themed around showing the power that a group of artist can have when they work together, "Synergy" was a collective of 15 artists.

The pieces included within this show studied the effects of light and colour theory on the human body, looking specifically at the effects of LED lights.

This show had a 3 week duration in which both art and prints were available for viewing and purchasing by the public. 


2.5 X 6 ft

2.5 X 6 ft

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"Print It!"
3rd Mar-8th Mar 2023
Airplace Studios Leeds

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"Print it! was an open call exhibition hosted in 'Airplace Studios' in Leeds that aimed to create a situation in which art became accessible to those wanting to display their work.

Focusing on the art itself, they displayed the art work in a print format to avoid any travel costs and avoid the complications of size and weight of the chosen work.

"Rouge" was a portrait piece chosen to be included that focused predominately on tone taken to its simplest forms.

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59.4 X 84.1 cm

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27th Apr 2022
The Northern School of Art Student Union

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5-4-Flo was a self-curated group exhibition in the student union bar of the Northern School of Art, Hartlepool, created with the aim of raising money for a young girl suffering from Neuroblastoma cancer.

The show included a series and canvas with prints with various designs proposed by students across the university for sale. 

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"Series of Suffering"
59.4 X 84.1 cm

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3.5 X 4.5 ft

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